Brandin Cooks being evaluated for concussion


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

Getty Images

Texans receiver Brandin Cooks may have suffered another concussion today.

Cooks went down hard, face-first into the turf, as he was hit while attempting to catch a pass that ended up being intercepted. Cooks stayed down for a minute before being taken to the blue medical tent. The team confirmed he’s being evaluated for a concussion.

Although Cooks said before the season that he’s not worried at all about his history of concussions, others are worried about him. Cooks has suffered at least five concussions in his career.

Cooks is the Texans’ No. 1 receiver and was expected to get even more passes thrown his way now that Will Fuller is suspended for the rest of the season. But now it’s fair to ask whether Cooks should play at all for the rest of the season.

UPDATE: 3:53 p.m. ET: Cooks was cleared to return to the game.