Cole Beasley: I have looked the other way for too long

Billy Buffalo

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2019

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Bills receiver Cole Beasley isn’t sitting idly, watching his teammates, former teammates and other players around the league speak out against police brutality and social injustice. He joined them Thursday, releasing a statement on race relations.

“Too long . . . for far too long in my life I have looked the other way,” Beasley said. “As a father of three bi-racial kids and as someone who loves to rap, I am embarrassed, really. Growing up as a white kid, I never had to go through the hardships that black people endure every day in this country.

“One of the first steps to recovery is first admitting that you have a problem or that you were wrong. I have been wrong for a long time. I have remained ignorant as much as it kills me to say. Not only have I failed black people, but I have failed my sons and daughter up to this point by turning the other way.

“This is too important of a time in our country to just sit by and scroll through everything that is happening before us. Every single person matters. No role is too small. Nothing you do is too little. Every bit is going to matter. Just please do something…#BlackLivesMatter.”

Beasley also announced he will donate all proceeds from downloads and streams of his song, United Hates of America 2020, to 9inety-10, a nonprofit that introduces underprivileged children to health wellness through sports and exercise.