Dangerous in the open field, Phillip Lindsay may be even better between the tackles


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Mar 18, 2019

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — Think of Phillip Lindsay, and you may think of the burst of speed he shows when he gets in the open field.

His teammates, though, know how dangerous the 5-foot-10, 180-pound player can be between the tackles.

“That’s kind of really what he is, to be honest with you,” quarterback Joe Flacco said. “Even though he is small, he is an in-between-the-tackles kind of guy. He sees those things probably a little bit better. He’s a little more patient inside of the tackles and then when the crease opens up, he’s able to hit it really fast just because of the kind of foot speed he has. I think that’s the thing we’ve noticed that he’s probably the best at.”

Flacco said Lindsay “puts his head down with no fear,” and that’s something the former undrafted rookie said is non-negotaible.

“You can’t go in there pitty-patting around and scared, but you also have to put yourself in good situations [and have] good body placement,” Lindsay said. “Also, you have to be able to see the hole and see different things in there.”

Lindsay has had plenty of experience from which to learn those skills. As a young player, his father helped teach him the art of running between the tackles.

“That’s all I knew how to do,” Lindsay said. “That’s what I’m going to continue to do. At the end of the day, people will have their own opinions, but I know what I can do. I do love running inside because there’s nothing better than being able to make slight little moves [and] make people miss inside. Then once you get inside out, it’s a lot easier than trying to run away from these 230-, 240-pound linebackers running 4.3s, 4.4s.”

If Lindsay and Royce Freeman can continue to run the ball successfully, it should prove valuable as the season progresses.

“We’re going to have to run the ball to win games, and as you get going later on as it gets colder, you have to run the ball,” Lindsay said. “In the playoffs, you have to be able to run the ball. Everybody knows that. There’s no secret.”