DeSean Jackson apologizes again, vows to show “it’s more than just words”


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

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DeSean Jackson‘s initial apology Tuesday for an anti-Semitic post lacked any plans for him to educate himself or to speak with leaders in Philadelphia’s Jewish community.

He since has done that, and after apologizing personally to Eagles owner Jeff Lurie and General Manager Howie Roseman, both of whom are Jewish, the Eagles receiver has issued another public apology.

“I want to apologize to the Jewish community, Jeffrey Lurie, Howie Roseman, Doug Pederson, the Eagles organization and our fans for the insensitive and ill-informed posts that I shared on my social media,” Jackson wrote. “My intention was to uplift, unite and encourage our culture with positivity and light. Unfortunately, that did not happen. I unintentionally hurt the Jewish community in the process and for that I am sorry. Now, more than ever, we must work together to end discrimination of all types and against all people and communities. This apology is more than just words. It is a promise to do better. I will fully educate myself and work with local and national organizations to be more informed and make a difference in our community. I will consider my words and actions moving forward. I will seek out voices from other communities and listen to their words, thoughts and beliefs. In a time of division, I am committed to doing my part in making this world a better place for our children.”

Jackson and his representatives spoke to Philadelphia rabbi Doniel Grodnitzky on Tuesday, according to John Clark of