DeSean Jackson apologizes for anti-Semitic post


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

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Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson has apologized for an Instagram post that attributed a quote to Adolf Hitler saying, “the Jews will blackmail America.”

“I just want to, first off, extend an apology,” Jackson said in an Instagram video. “I never want to put any race down or any people down. My post was definitely not intended for anybody of any race to feel any type of way, especially the Jewish community. When I posted what I posted I definitely didn’t mean it to the extent that you guys took it.”

Jackson added that “Hitler was a bad person and I know that” and “People that know me know I have no hatred in my heart.”

Absent from Jackson’s apology is any statement that he plans to educate himself, or speak with leaders in Philadelphia’s Jewish community. That will probably be a necessary step for Jackson to be forgiven for a social media post that was beyond the pale.