DeSean Jackson has talked to Howie Roseman, will talk with Jeff Lurie


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

Getty Images

The Eagles issued a statement earlier Tuesday regarding the anti-Semitic social media posts made by DeSean Jackson. They expressed their disappointment in their receiver, saying, in part, “Regardless of his intentions, the messages he shared were offensive, harmful and absolutely appalling.”

The team likely has told him the same.

Jackson has spoken with General Manager Howie Roseman “a lot today,” John Clark of reports. Jackson also is scheduled to speak with owner Jeff Lurie.

It remains to be seen what further action the Eagles might take or require of Jackson.

Jackson apologized for an Instagram post that attributed a quote to Adolf Hitler saying, “the Jews will blackmail America.” He did not indicate in the apology whether he would back up his words with any action.

Meanwhile, Jackson is working out in Tampa with teammate Miles Sanders, based on a video posted by Sanders.