Drew Brees throws for the cameras, 20 days after injuring thumb

Jaxson De Ville

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

Getty Images

He’s not back yet, but he’s getting there.

Saints quarterback Drew Brees has posted a video of himself throwing a football, only 20 days after suffering a thumb injury that was supposed to keep him out of action for six weeks.

Brees can be seen flexing his thumb after every throw, which suggests he still has plenty of work to do to get back to 100 percent.

The Saints face the Buccaneers on Sunday, with upcoming games against the Jaguars, Bears, and Cardinals, followed by a Week Nine bye.

Six weeks would put Brees back for the Cardinals game. It looks like he may be back a week earlier than that, maybe two.

The Saints have won the two games that they have played without Brees, beating the Seahawks in Seattle and the Cowboys on Sunday Night Football.