Eagles’ Marquise Goodwin claims “the Jewish community is lashing out at me”


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Mar 19, 2019

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Another day, another Eagles wide receiver causing a social media firestorm.

Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson is apologizing and vowing to educate himself after posting on Instagram what he said was a quote from Adolf Hitler saying, “the Jews will blackmail America. [They] will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were.” That bogus and anti-Semitic quote was widely condemned, but Jackson’s fellow Eagles wide receiver Marquise Goodwin hasn’t condemned Jackson.

Instead, Goodwin made his own Instagram post claiming that “The Jewish community is lashing out at me.”

“I understand the Jewish community is mad at me for making a comment on Jacc page yesterday,” Goodwin wrote. “I honestly don’t see how I was being insensitive or disrespectful, or even supportive of his previous message. I never once said i agreed or disagreed with anything! I never mentioned Adolf Hitler or anything regarding the Jewish community. My comment under DJacc post read, ‘I wish people commented this much on a BLM topic’… In NO WAY do I condone anything Hitler related, AS I STRONGLY BELIEVE HE WAS IN THE WRONG. We all SHOULD come together in times like these instead of dividing.”

Goodwin has provided no evidence that “the Jewish community” is lashing out at him, but he should know that “the Jewish community” not a monolith; some Jewish people may have disagreed with what he posted on Instagram, but that is not the same thing as being attacked by an entire community.

Jackson has said he will meet with Jewish leaders in Philadelphia and educate himself. Goodwin should do the same.