Lane Johnson on DeSean Jackson: His heart is in a good place


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Mar 19, 2019

Getty Images

Eagles receiver DeSean Jackson is trying to make amends for his anti-Semitic post.

He has apologized twice, met with Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie and General Manager Howie Roseman, who are Jewish, spoken to a Philadelphia rabbi and accepted Julian Edelman‘s invitation to visit the Holocaust Museum.

“I’ve talked to him; I know he’s under the fire,” Eagles right tackle Lane Johnson said Friday during the annual OL Masterminds Summit, via Aaron Wilson of the Houston Chronicle. “With everything that’s happened in the past months, I know his heart has been in a good place helping his people.

“Ultimately when you make mistakes, you have to own up to it. I think the best thing about it now is to get educated and try to make all the wrongs you did right, and that’s all you can do.”