Leslie Frazier: This could very well be a watershed moment for our country

Billy Buffalo

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2019

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Leslie Frazier calls the video of George Floyd’s death at the hands of a former Minneapolis police officer on May 25 as “traumatic” and “tough to watch.”

The Bills defensive coordinator, though, hopes it leads to change and becomes a “watershed moment for our country.”

“Seeing the results and what (the Floyd video) created across the country, I really appreciate the outpouring of love you see from people, and the passion and the empathy, as well,” Frazier said on a 45-minute conference call Thursday, via the team website. “It seems like it could very well be a watershed moment for our country. It definitely got a lot of people’s attention like never before.”

Frazier wants to see real action follow the outrage and protests. He talked to his players about how to make a difference and help change the world.

“Hopefully this will galvanize our players and other players within our communities, whether it’s in Buffalo or wherever you’re from to get down to the grassroots level and use your platform to make a difference,” Frazier said. “There’s an opportunity that we have as athletes, as coaches. We can make a tremendous impact, using this pedestal that we have. Our voice needs to be heard and we need to get involved. Not sit back and wait on others to initiate change. We need to be involved.

“I talked to them about a quote that Mahatma Gandhi made, ‘Be the change you want to see in this world.’ That can be us because of the platform that we have as athletes. Hopefully our guys will get involved and we’ll stick together as a group and make a difference in this time.”