Marlon Humphrey tests positive for COVID-19

Poe the Raven

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2019

Getty Images

Ravens cornerback Marlon Humphrey has COVID-19.

At least that’s the obvious assumption from his Monday morning tweet: “I got the Rona hopefully I’ll be back healthy soon.” (The tweet came not long after he tweeted, “Life is good.”)

Humphrey played all of Sunday’s game against the Steelers. Presumably, he learned that he’s positive from a gameday PCR test. If so, that means he was shedding virus in the locker room before the game, on the field before the game, on the field during the game, on the sidelines, and in the locker room after the game.

It remains to be seen whether other Ravens test positive, and whether the situation affects preparations for their Week Nine game against the Colts. Since both teams already have had their bye week, this one can’t be postponed to any week other than an eighteenth one.

UPDATE 11:41 a.m. ET: The Ravens have announced that a player has tested positive.