Monday Morning Mailbag: Coin Flips, Conflicting Interests & Defensive Day


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

Plenty of important topics to discuss. How about this one? Is it just me or are the Vikings winning a lot of coin flips this year?

Also, Zimmer has been critiqued in the past for not playing rookies. I think we can throw that concept out the window.

Of course it’s all about the Vikings winning these last games, but I didn’t know which way to cheer in the Rams-Seahawks game. Did I want Seattle to lose so the Vikings might have a better chance at a top seed? Or did I want the Rams to lose to prevent a catch up in the wild card scenario? Not that it matters now.

— Jeff in Sacramento

Lots to get to from Jeff, but let’s start with the most pressing topic: coin flips! The Vikings won the toss Sunday, and have now won an impressive four straight coin flips. On the season, Minnesota has won eight of 13 times. And an interesting final note, the winner of all 13 coin flips has deferred, meaning teams prefer to start on defense and get the ball to open the second half.

Talking about rookies, a bunch of first-year players have stepped up for the Vikings in 2019. Bisi Johnson had an athletic touchdown catch Sunday and now has three scores on the year. Garrett Bradbury, Irv Smith, Jr., and Alexander Mattison have all impressed on offense, while youngsters Armon Watts (defense) and Kris Boyd (special teams) have also made their mark.

Sam Newton of Vikings PR tweeted out a good note about the rookies: