Oren Burks has 'picked things up quick' at outside linebacker


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

Inside linebackers coach Kirk Olivadotti

On Ty Summers taking over and wearing the green dot:

Our communication stayed at a really high level. One of the hardest jobs in the NFL is to be a backup signal-caller. Obviously he does get practice reps and all that but it's just different. And he just jumped in there and did a nice job communicating with the entire defense. You know Ty's always going to play hard, he's going to fly around.

On Summers, and others, being hard on themselves about their performance:

The nice thing about Ty and really the entire room is, they care so much that they're going to look and they could have six really good plays but they're going to remember the two bad ones. 'Oh, what could I have done here. It was a 2-yard gain, could I have had it for a 0-yard gain?' Or 'I could have been in a window here to help out a corner.' Those kinds of things. Having the ability to be able to see that and work at it, it just helps you get better. He does, he's very self-critical, as is the entire room, but never negative, and it's never a negative self-talk type of thing.