Packers T Rick Wagner is 'a blue-collar, old-school guy'


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Mar 19, 2019

Tight ends coach Justin Outten

It's been a pretty drastic turnaround since last year. He was still raw in the run game. He just didn't know how the mechanics worked, how his body worked in the trenches, and understanding leverage and running off the ball. There's so many moving pieces to the run game in this system, and he finally slowed it down in his mind, and I tried to put it in verbiage that he would understand, and just kind of walked through the technique itself. But at the end of the day it's the confidence that you need to put your hand down in the dirt and go against a guy that gets paid to rush the passer and set the edge, and you're a guy that has to do everything.

He's just been a tremendous outlet for the young guys and older guys. You'll see Aaron Rodgers, you'll see 'Tae, all those guys gravitate towards him, because it's not just the football player, it's the spirit in the guy and the person that he is. If you took him off the football field and he never saw this game in his life, people would be attracted to him because of his positive mindset, his vibe that he puts out. Now you put in the football part of it, 15 years of it, it's extremely comforting when he goes out there as a coach, and also as a teammate, knowing that you're going to get his best, and his best has been helping us make this run.