Rob Gronkowski thanks Patriots, fans in good-bye post

Pat Patriot

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2019

Getty Images

Rob Gronkowski held his first press conference Wednesday, a day after his official return to the NFL. It was a hello to Tampa Bay.

On Thursday, the Pro Bowl tight end said good-bye and thank you to the Patriots and their fans in an Instagram post.

“First and foremost, I want to thank the Patriots organization for everything over the last 10 years,” Gronkowski wrote. “Without Mr. [Robert] Kraft and coach [Bill] Belichick taking a chance on me in the 2010 draft, I wouldn’t be sitting here in this position in life. THANK YOU both as well as my former teammates for everything over the years.

“New England Patriots fans, you guys have been nothing but amazing. I love you guys and appreciate your constant support for me big time over the last 10 years (even during retirement). THANK YOU all so much. The memories are incredible. #PatsNation.

“I am beyond exited for this new chapter of my life. It’s an opportunity I will certainly not take for granted. I said it from the beginning that I wouldn’t come back to the game unless I’m feeling it, feeling healthy, and feeling ready to play. Taking a year off was hands down the best decision I made, not just in my career, but also for my health and well-being, and I would do it all over again.

“And now my fire is back. I am grateful for this new chapter of my career. I’m pumped to get down to Tampa, meet my new teammates, work hard, have a blast doing it, and give it my all this season!! I’m back and ready to lay a smack! #GoBucs!! ARRR!!!”