Romeo Crennel declines comment on the Jack Easterby story


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Mar 19, 2019
NFL: OCT 20 Texans at Colts

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A recent story published by took a detailed and careful look at the questions surrounding the curious and sudden rise of Texans executive V.P. of football operations and interim G.M. Jack Easterby.

On Friday, Texans interim coach Romeo Crennel was asked for his reaction during a press conference.

“I’ve heard that there’s an article out there, but I have not read it,” Crennel said. “To be able to comment on it, it’d be hard to comment on it because I haven’t read it. I don’t know what’s in it. Just what people have told me that it may not be the best portrayal of an individual. So, I until I can read it and put my thoughts together on it, I really shouldn’t comment.”

This implies that Crennel intends to read it, and maybe he does. Although he’s been busy getting his team ready for Sunday’s game at Chicago, it’s a little curious that basic human curiosity hasn’t kicked in for Crennel.

Crennel also was asked to explained how Easterby assists Crennel.

“He helps quite a bit, really, because we both have that interim title attached to our job responsibility,” Crennel said. “He does a lot of the groundwork with scheduling, with meeting with the department heads, of getting everything organized. Particularly as we go through this pandemic, schedule, the travel — he’s got his hands on all of that. It’s been going pretty good considering what we have to deal with on a daily basis.”

The broader question regarding Easterby relates to his lingering influence after the hiring of a new G.M. and coach. Will either or both report to Easterby? Will the preferred candidates request that Easterby be reassigned? Will the Texans decline to do so, if such a request is made?

Easterby played a valuable role in New England; that’s undeniable. But it doesn’t seem to be the kind of role that would make him qualified or capable to influence, manage, and/or direct football operations for an NFL franchise. Whether and to what extent the new hires will be required to defer to Easterby will reveal whether and to what extent owner Cal McNair has read the article and accepted its implications.