Texans still list Jamey Rootes as team president; will Jack Easterby get that job eventually?


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Mar 19, 2019
Jacksonville Jaguars v Houston Texans

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Texans president Jamey Rootes resigned last week. The memo has not yet made its way to the person responsible for updating the team’s website.

Rootes is still identified as the team’s president on the official online list of front-office positions with the team.

While it’s surely a matter of time before the Texans make the change, it’s also a matter of time before they decide how to replace Rootes. Given the ever-growing influence of executive V.P. of football operations Jack Easterby, it’s not crazy to think he’ll end up with the job.

As accountability-avoidance goes, “president” provides much more protection than “executive V.P. of football operations.” More importantly, it’s a bigger title, bigger job, bigger pay.

If the Texans go outside the organization for a new president, it will be interesting to see whether and to what extent the new hire has close ties to Easterby. Obviously, a new president who has no history with and/or little regard for Easterby wouldn’t threaten his football fiefdom.

Owner Cal McNair (technically the chairman and CEO) also could assume the title, delegating the duties to Easterby on a de facto basis.

However it plays out, it would be an upset at this point for the Texans to do anything that would undermine Easterby. Objectively unqualified to hold such power over a pro football franchise, all that matters is whether Cal McNair believes. And Cal McNair inexplicably does.