Darius Slay “happy as hell” Quandre Diggs thriving in Seattle


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Mar 18, 2019

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Quandre Diggs is making plays, and his Lions teammates are excited about it, even though they’re technically former teammates.

Since the veteran safety was traded to the Seahawks, he’s been thriving, with three interceptions in four games for one of the top teams in the league.

And the guys he left behind in Detroit are happy that someone is having success, even if they’re not.

“Hell, yeah, I’m happy about it,” cornerback Darius Slay told Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press. “I’m happy as hell about it.”

In the seven weeks since the deal, the Lions are 1-6 and have two interceptions. But they will get a 2020 fifth-round pick for Diggs, though they have to second a future seventh-rounder back to the Seahawks to complete the deal.

Slay was upset at the time, and said he stays in contact with his friend daily.

“I talk to him all the time,” Slay said. “He’s very [bleeping] happy. He’s over there 10-2, 10-3, [fighting for] first place. . . . Why the [bleep] wouldn’t he be happy? He’s [bleeping] exciting over there. He’s over there excited. He’s living it up.”

That’s a lot of [bleeping] to be away from the Lions, and when asked what Slay was most excited about, Slay replied: “Winning and a new start. And from our looks of it, he’s just out there being Quandre.”

“I just want him to be the best player he can be for that team and if they come out and win the Super Bowl, I’m happy for him,” Slay said. “Wherever they happen to go, I’m going to root for them.”

It’s certainly the playoffs, which is something the Lions haven’t done since the Jim Caldwell era.